The manga "Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi" will have an adaptation to the anime

From a recently opened Twitter account, it was announced that the manga Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi, created by Shiro Manta, will have an adaptation to the anime to be produced by the animation studio Doga Kobo (Sing "Yesterday" for Me). At the moment, no further details on the production of the anime have been provided.

The manga was first published on the pixiv Comic website in 2017 as part of the web magazine comic Pool. And, currently, 5 compilation volumes have been published.


Igarashi is a hardworking young office lady. Takeda, the senpai above her at work, annoys her constantly–and yet she finds herself growing closer to him. Every day is filled with comic mishaps and romantic moments as Igarashi tries to balance work, life, and love.

Source: Crunchyroll

Kevin Vega

Administrador principal de MangaLatam. Ingeniero industrial y escritor en mi tiempo libre. twitter instagram

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